PSF - Medical Outreach
The maiden edition of the Pregnancy Support foundation medical outreach held on the 18th December, 2021 at the Palace of the Seriki, Laiseriki, Mando, Kaduna.
The turn up of pregnant women was very encouraging and they were mostly present before we commenced.
At 11am, the outreach began with health talk for 30minutes then taking of blood pressure after registration of names.
After this counselling and health education was given to pregnant mothers who were noticed to have high blood pressure.
Referral was written for a mother who was term and had very high blood pressure.
Heamatinics namely Fersolate, Folic Acid and vitamin Bco was given to all mothers.
Lastly, gifts were given to all mothers present.Each gift pack contained surgical glove, cotton wool, cord clamp and 2diapers.
Four volunteers carried out the outreach along with the founder namely:
- Nurse Oni Oluwaseun
- Nurse Florence Sunday
- Nurse Mary Clement.
- Mrs Blessing Jamda.
We wish for an opportunity to have another outreach in the same location and in other locations that have needs in 2022.